
Kid Cudi

Kid Cudi is a famous rapper, singer, songwriter, producer, actor and fashion designer.

Full Name
Scott Ramon Seguro Mescudi
5′ 9″
Fame Level
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Kid Cudi is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and actor. He is most well-known for his music and his debut album Man on the Moon: The End of Day, which gained critical acclaim when it was released in 2009. Cudi has also been credited for helping to pioneer an alternative hip hop subgenre, which has become widely popular in modern music.

Kid Cudi Timeline

Kid Cudi is Born
On January 30, 1984, Kid Cudi was born in Cleveland, Ohio. His full name is Scott Ramon Seguro Mescudi.
Moves to Brooklyn
Mescudi moves to Brooklyn to pursue a career in hip hop.
Signs Record Deal with G.O.O.D. Music
Signs a record deal with Kanye West’s label, G.O.O.D. Music.
Releases Debut Album "Man on the Moon: The End of Day"
Kid Cudi releases his debut album, “Man on the Moon: The End of Day”, which received critical acclaim and went on to be certified Gold by the RIAA.
"Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager" is Released
Kid Cudi releases his second studio album, “Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager”, which debuts at number three on the Billboard 200.
1st Grammy Nomination
Receives his first Grammy nomination for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration for his song "All of the Lights".
"The Scotts" Single with Travis Scott Released
Releases his single "The Scotts" with Travis Scott and it debuts at number one on the Billboard Hot 100.

5 Interesting Facts about Kid Cudi


First Rapper to Earn a Grammy Nomination

Kid Cudi became the first rapper to earn a Grammy nomination for his debut album "Man on the Moon: The End of Day" in 2010.


Used to Work at BAPE Store

Before becoming a famous rapper, Kid Cudi worked at the popular clothing store BAPE in New York City.


Founded His Own Record Label

In 2008, Kid Cudi founded his own record label called Wicked Awesome Records.


Starred in HBO Series

Kid Cudi had a recurring role in the HBO series "How to Make It in America" from 2010 to 2011.


Has an Asteroid Named After Him

An asteroid located in the main belt between Mars and Jupiter was named after Kid Cudi in 2017.

When is Kid Cudi birthday?

Kid Cudi, more formally known as Scott Ramon Seguro Mescudi, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer and actor. He was born on January 30, 1984, and is currently 39. Cudi is best known for his diverse range of music styles and for being one of the pioneers of alternative hip-hop.

What is the Net Worth of Kid Cudi?

Kid Cudi has an estimated net worth of $16M. He is a successful rapper, singer, songwriter, and actor with a long career in the music industry. His wealth is largely derived from record sales, merchandise, touring, and endorsement deals.

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