World Leader

Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau is the 23rd prime minister of Canada and leader of the Liberal Party since 2013. He became famous for his progressive politics.

Full Name
Justin Pierre James Trudeau
6′ 2″
Fame Level
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Justin Trudeau is a Canadian politician and the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada. He is known for making proactive efforts to promote diversity, strongly advocating for the rights of Indigenous Canadians and striving to reduce climate change. He is a strong proponent of Canadian environmentalism and has demonstrated authenticity and moral authority in his leadership.

Justin Trudeau Timeline

Justin Trudeau is Born
On December 25, 1971, Justin Trudeau was born in Ottawa, Canada.
Graduates from McGill University
Trudeau graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Literature from McGill University.
Eulogizes Father's Funeral
Trudeau delivered a moving eulogy at his father Pierre Trudeau's funeral, sparking public interest in his potential to follow a political career.
Elected MP for Papineau
Trudeau was elected as the Member of Parliament (MP) for the riding of Papineau in Quebec, marking the beginning of his political career.
Becomes Liberal Party Leader
Trudeau was elected the leader of Canada's Liberal Party.
Becomes 23rd Prime Minister of Canada
Trudeau led the Liberal Party to a majority government victory, becoming the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada.
Re-elected as Prime Minister
Trudeau secured a third term as Prime Minister after a closely-fought election.
When is Justin Trudeau birthday?

Justin Trudeau, the current Prime Minister of Canada, was born on December 25, 1971 and is currently 51 years old. He is best known for his work in promoting social justice, environmental protection, and economic growth across Canada. He has also famously been an advocate for improved international relations and intercultural dialogue.

What is the Net Worth of Justin Trudeau?

Justin Trudeau has an estimated net worth of $10M. His wealth has been earned through his career as the Prime Minister of Canada as well as investments in the stock market. He has also earned income from speeches, endorsements, and investment profits.

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